Minggu, 20 November 2011

My Sweet Old Memories: Jokamers and Probinus

This is my sweet old memories when I was in my hometown, Purbalingga. I found a very large number by joining the "Probinus" community or you can say this "A Counselling of Youth People". There are so many children come to this community, enjoy the resitation (yes, We were reciting there. The Qoran and Hadist to fullfill our faith to Alloh). Ariyani Nurmasari and I were a very bestfriend. We were going anywhere with a lot of fun, sharing our happiness and sorrow and always share our laugh and cry.

We found a lot of new friend there. Such as Hana&Hani "the twins" come from Cipawon City (the name of the city sounds so weird), Sunny, and lotta boy of friend. I don't even remember all the name of my friend coming from Probinus, but I still remember Wahyu. Yes, he gave me a lot of story when I met him. You can say, he is my ex. Even we just make a relationship for 77 days by phone because we must trough LDR. Not really a good story but not also too that bad.

Hana, Hani, Sunny, Riyan (I called Ariyani with Riyan) and I were going to a lot of interesting place. In video slideshow below, you will see the amazing photo of us. You also could find my mate Lulu (I really miss the moment when we were together and nothing could break us. But by the adding of age and individual ego, we separated. Until now, we never talked warmly anymore). You will also see Pepy, Arum and another beautiful ladies there. Let's check it out. Enjoy :)

Jockammerss Slideshow: Intan’s trip to Purwokerto, Jawa, Indonesia was created by TripAdvisor. See another Purwokerto slideshow. Create your own stunning slideshow with our free photo slideshow maker.

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