Minggu, 05 Juni 2011

diary telattt hehe

Serua, Feb 10th 2011

Dear weery,,
Hey what’s up. So long time I don’t update anything here. And now I will share about my winning on the quizzes. I win the mouse pad from @Jk2ndWife . yeah she gives me it. Because I need it. For you weery and this computer. That makes me easier to move this mouse. Yes, she’s so nice. And pray me to get that headphone and modem device to help me easier to get latest information from the internet. I hope my winning is not stopping there. I hope there’s still another worthy prizes that I win which usefull for me and my environment. Pray me ya. And wish me luck 

Oh ya. I just wanna say that yesterday the prizes were coming. The mouse pad coming from @JK2ndWife and the pencil set from @Fabercastell_id. After I had waiting for a long time, because there’s something problem in deliverying my price. But anyway, the prizes are coming. I hope another cool prizes will be coming to my place. I pray every day loh 

Ok babe, I think this must be ended. I have to clean my room. Wow, that’s so disgusting you know. Hehe, you know me so well laaah  . okay, bye bye world 

Thursday morning at 07:30am
Serua, Feb 10th 2011

2 komentar:

  1. hai.. salam kenal juga.. blogger juga yah.. sorrry baru tau nih kalo ada yg komenn. masi newbie nih.. mohon bimbingannya :))
